Level up your current health cover with
My:health Medisure Super Top Up!
Greater coverage at a reduced premium

Pay less,

Get more


Constant premiums from

Age 61


No health checkups

upto Age 55

Bindsthe family-in-1-Secure-Bond

Binds the family in

1 Secure Bond

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Inclusion & Exclusions

In-patient hospitalization expenses

If the treatment of an illness or accidental injury is taken in a hospital, we cover the medical expenses incurred by you towards your hospitalisation on room rent/ICU/Therapeutic Unit, Medical Practitioner fees, Anaesthetist fees, nurse fees, blood, oxygen and anaesthesia. There are no sub-limits under this cover


Pre and Post-hospitalisation medical expenses

We understand that medical expenses start even before hospitalisation and continue post hospitalisation also. That’s why we cover all the medical expenses you incur up to 30 days before being admitted into a hospital and for 60 days after you have been discharged from hospital These expenses are payable subject to following condition.


Expenses for Pre existing diseases

The Policy covers expenses incurred for the treatment of diseases that you have before taking the Policy. Such will be covered only after 3 continuous renewals with us


Day Care Procedures

The Policy also covers the medical expenses incurred by you for treatment or procedures that requires less than 24 hours of hospitalisation undertaken under general or local anesthesia. There is no static list for day care procedures in the policy as advances in medical science leads to many more being added continuously. So, even if it is a new procedure, you can be rest assured that, we will cover it. However, this cover excludes diagnostic procedures and treatments taken in an out-patient department. For the indicative list of covered treatments, please refer our website www.hdfcergo.com


Adventure sport injuries

Adventure sports can give you an adrenaline rush,but when coupled with accidents, they can be hazardous. Our policy does not cover accidents encountered while participating in adventure sports.



War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However,our policy does not cover any claim that are caused due to wars.


Venereal or sexually transmitted diseases

We do understand the criticality of your disease. However,our policy does not cover venereal or sexually transmitted diseases.

*For detailed inclusion and exclusion please refer the sales brochure/policy wordings

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It is a health insurance plan that strengthens your existing plan to give you a higher sum insured and a wider cover to meet your medical expenses. You can take it as an independent policy or as a top up to your existing plan

In cases where your existing medical cover is not sufficient enough to cover your medical expenses, Super Top Up helps increase the sum insured and provider wider coverage at an affordable premium.

Deductible is the amount you pay towards your health care expenses before your insurance plan starts to pay. The amount of deductible varies as per the plan and can be crossed in single claim or in multiple claims in a policy year

You can opt for a minimum of Rs. 4,00,000 and maximum of Rs. 5,00,000 aggregate deductible in this policy

Pre-existing diseases refers to any condition, ailment, injury or illness that you have been diagnosed with or had symptoms of 36 months before taking your policy.

Pre-existing diseases will be covered in Super Top Up only after 36 months of continuous coverage.

Yes, there is a waiting period of 36 months (or 3 years) for before Super Top Up starts covering the pre-existing diseases.

No pre-policy medical check-up is required for individuals’ up to 55 years* of age, subject to no health adversity. However, beyond that age you may need to go through some routine check-ups.

You get a 5% discount on opting for two-year policy and a 10% Family Discount when three or more family members are covered under individual sum insured basis
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