Reset Your Coverage, Not Your Goals


Restore Benefit



Multiplier Benefit



Health Check-Up



Hospital Cash

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Inclusion & Exclusions

Hospitalization Expenses

Just what you expect of your health insurance plan- We cover you for hospitalization due to illnesses and injuries seamlessly.


Pre And Post Hospitalisation

Your costs for diagnosis and follow up consultations, are covered too. All your pre-hospital admission expenses up to 60 days, and post-discharge expenses till 180 days are included.


Day-Care Procedures

Medical advancements help in wrapping up urgent surgeries and treatments in less than 24 hours, and guess what? We cover all your daycare procedures.


Emergency Road Ambulance

If you need to, rush to a hospital in case of an emergency. Your ambulance costs are covered up to ₹2000 per hospitalization.


Organ Donor Expenses

Organ donation is a noble cause. Hence, we cover the medical and surgical expenses of the organ donor when harvesting a major organ transplant.


No Sub-Limit On Room Rent

If you have to stay at the hospital, choose a comfortable and convenient room for yourself, without bothering about its bills. We give you complete coverage on room-rent, up to the sum insured.


Tax Savings

Save more with tax benefits on health insurance premiums. Yes, you can save tax up to ₹75,000 with HDFC ERGO Health Insurance plans.


Modern Treatment Methods

You deserve the best and the latest medical treatments. So our Optima Restore covers advanced procedures like robotic surgeries, stem cell therapy, and oral chemotherapy.


Lifetime Renewals

Also, enjoy life-long protection as you can continuously renew your health plan, even after you turn 65 years of age.


Treatment Availed Outside India

Any Treatment availed overseas/outside India remains excluded from the scope of this policy


Self-Inflicted Injuries

Consequences of use and Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol lead to self-inflicted wounds. Our policy does not cover self-inflicted injuries.



War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However,our policy does not cover any claim that are caused due to wars.



AIDS or infection with HIV, including but not limited to conditions related to arising out of HIV/AIDS such as ARC (AIDS Related Complex), Lymphomas in the brain, Kaposi’s sarcoma and tuberculosis.


Venereal Or Sexually Transmitted Diseases

We do understand the criticality of your disease. However,our policy does not cover venereal or sexually transmitted diseases.


Treatment Of Obesity Or Cosmetic Surgery

Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery is not eligible for coverage under this insurance policy.

*For detailed inclusion and exclusion please refer the sales brochure/policy wordings

Waiting Periods

First 24 Months From Policy Inception

Few illnesses & treatments are covered after two years of policy issuance.


First 36 Months From Policy Inception

Declared or accepted pre-existing conditions at the time of application will be covered after 36 months of continuous coverage after the date of inception


First 30 Days From Policy Inception

Only accidental hospitalisations shall be admissible in the first 30 days from the date of policy issuance.

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- Partial Utilization of the Base Cover

- Complete Utilization of the Base Cover

The benefit will restore the amount equal to your base sum insured in both situations for your future claims.

Our bestselling, comprehensive policy covers pre, during, and post hospitalisation expenditure along with allied expenses like ambulance, room rents, and day care procedures as well. For complete details, feel free to download the policy wordings document.

The plan offers insurance cover up to ₹50 Lakhs.

Our one-of-a-kind health insurance plan provides 100% restoration of your Basic Sum Insured instantly after the first claim, so that you and your family can step into the future with confidence. Restore Benefit triggers on complete or partial utilization of Basic Sum Insured and Multiplier Benefit (if applicable) and will be available to all insured persons for subsequent claims under in-patient benefit during the policy year.

The policy premium depends on the type of plan you choose, whether you’re insuring only yourself or your family, the amount of cover you choose & the city you reside in. If you like more help choosing the right plan and cover for you, feel free to talk to our team!

Restore benefit can be used once in every policy year for a lifetime, provided you keep renewing your policy. Furthermore, if you opt for our newly launched Unlimited Restore (optional benefit), you will get unlimited restorations in a policy year at a nominal cost.
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